Introduction Automation is the backbone of modern DevOps practices, enabling teams to streamline complex workflows, reduce human errors, and accelerate…
SonarQube from a Jenkins Pipeline job in Docker
Introduction In today’s fast-paced DevOps environment, maintaining code quality is paramount. Integrating SonarQube with Jenkins in a Docker environment offers…
Hide password in Jenkins console
How to hide the password in Jenkins console output? some build Jobs may require a username and the password is…
Jenkins on Linux AWS can not start
Today, I have installed Jenkins on Linux AWS can not start. Then start it, but an error as below. I…
Jenkins auto build when git commit
Introduction In this tutorial, How to use Jenkins auto-build when git commit. You use a webhook to capture when a…
DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 4
In this tutorial, I will integrate Ansible into the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline. Now, let’s go to DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial…
DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 3
I will continue the article DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 3. In this tutorial, How to integrating Docker in CI/CD…
DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 2
I wrote DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 2. Serial the previous article here. This time I will integrate Tomcat Server…
DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 1
In this tutorial, How to create DevOps CI/CD pipelines using Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, and Kubernetes on AWS. How to…
Mastering Jenkins pipeline groovy example
Introduction In this tutorial, I have written a script groovy using Jenkins pipeline call shell to create a folder and…