DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 4

In this tutorial, I will integrate Ansible into the Jenkins CI/CD pipeline. Now, let’s go to DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 4.

The content is

  • Install Ansible on Amazon EC2
  • How to integrate Ansible with Jenkins
  • Create an Ansible playbook
  • Jenkins job to deploy on Docker container through DockerHub
  • Jenkin’s job to deploy a war file on Docker container using Ansible.

Install Ansible on Amazon EC2


  • Amazon Linux EC2 Instance

Installation steps

Install python and python-pip

[root@Ansible_host ~]# yum install python
[root@Ansible_host ~]# yum install python-pip

Using pip command install Ansible

[root@Ansible_host ~]# pip install ansible
[root@Ansible_host ~]# ansible --version

Create a user called for Ansible

[root@Ansible_host ~]# useradd ansibleadmin
[root@Ansible_host ~]# passwd ansibleadmin

grant sudo access to ansibleadmin user.

[root@Ansible_host ~]# echo "ansibleadmin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers

Login ansibleadmin user and generate key


Copy keys to the target server.

ssh-copy-id ansibleadmin@<target-server>
DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 4

Ansible server used to create images and store them on the docker registry.

yum install docker
service docker status
service docker start
usermod -aG docker ansibleadmin

Create a folder /opt/ansible and hosts file for inventory file add control node and manged hosts IP address to it.

Validating test Ansible

Run ansible command as ansibleadmin user.

ansible all -m ping

How to integrate Ansible with Jenkins

You need to Install “publish Over SSH” as below

Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available > Publish over SSH

Enable connection between Ansible-control-node and Jenkins as below.

Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Publish Over SSH > SSH Servers


  • SSH Servers:
  • Name: ansible-server
  • Hostname:<ServerIP>
  • username: ansibleadmin
  • Click Advanced > chose Use password authentication, or use a different key.

Create an Ansible playbook

I will create a simple Ansible playbook as below

- hosts:
  become: true
  - name: Stop old docker container
    command: docker stop devops-container
    ignore_errors: yes

  - name: Remove stopped docker container
    command: docker rm devops-container
    ignore_errors: yes

  - name: Remove current docker image
    command: docker rmi devops-image
    ignore_errors: yes

  - name: Building docker image
    command: docker build -t devops-image .
      chdir: /opt/docker

  - name: creating docker image
    command: docker run -d --name devops-container -p 8080:8080 devops-image

Run Ansible playbook

ansible-playbook -i hosts simple-devops.yml

DevOps CI/CD pipeline tutorial part 4 update later … Thank you for reading page

About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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