Jenkins tutorial

What does Jenkins mean?

Jenkins is a powerful application allow continuous integration and continuous delivery. It is a free open source.

In this tutorial, who would like to learn how to build an test for the project. Jenkins the essential for DevOps Roles.

The simple WORKFLOW of how Jenkins works.

  1. Check source code from git or svn, so forth.
  2. Jenkins pick up the changed source code and trigger a build and run any test if required.
  3. The build output available in the Jenkins dashboards.

Jenkins tutorial

Install Jenkins

System requirements

  • JDK is version 1.5 or above
  • Memory recommended is 2GB ( minimum)

you can ref to link install jenkins here.

Jenkins git plugin

From Jenkins Dashboard, Click the Manage Jenkins as the picture below

Jenkins tutorial

In the next screen, click “Manage Plugins’ as the picture below

Jenkins tutorial

In this next screen, click the Available tab. This tab list all available for downloading. In this ‘Filter’ tab type ‘Git plugin’.

Jenkins tutorial

Click on the button ‘Install without restart’

In this next screen, click the ‘Installed’ tab. I have installed Git plugin as below

Jenkins tutorial

jenkins maven plugin

From Jenkins Dashboard, Click the Manage Jenkins. Click ‘Global Tool Configuration’ as below

Jenkins tutorial

Scroll down till you see Maven section and then click ‘Add Maven’ Button as below

Jenkins tutorial

Click ‘Save’ Button

Jenkins configuration

From Jenkins Dashboard, Click the Manage Jenkins. Click ‘Configure System’ as below
Jenkins tutorial
You can configure Jenkins home, JDK so on.
Jenkins tutorial

jenkins create job

Step 1: Go to Jenkins Dashboard and click ‘New Item’ as below
Jenkins tutorial
Step 2: Enter the item name and example select ‘Freestyle project option’. Click OK button
Jenkins tutorial
You set up and configure job Jenkins this screen
Jenkins tutorial
The finish, run job Jenkins as below
Jenkins tutorial


Thought the article, you can use Jenkins tutorial for the beginner as above. I hope will this your helpful.

About HuuPV

My name is Huu. I love technology, especially Devops Skill such as Docker, vagrant, git, and so forth. I like open-sources, so I created to share the knowledge I have acquired. My Job: IT system administrator. Hobbies: summoners war game, gossip.
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