AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exercises- part 3 Amazon VPC

In this article, we’ll learn about Amazon VPC, the best way to become familiar with Amazon VPC is to build your own custom Amazon VPC and then deploy Amazon EC2 instances into it. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exercises- part 3 Amazon VPC

1. Today tasks

  • Create a Custom Amazon VPC
  • Create Two Subnets for Your Custom Amazon VPC
  • Connect Your Custom Amazon VPC to the Internet and Establish Routing
  • Launch an Amazon EC2 Instance and Test the Connection to the Internet.

2. Before you begin AWS Certified Solutions Architect

  • Command-line tool to SSH into the Linux instance.

3. Let do it

EXERCISE 1: Create a Custom Amazon VPC

1. Open the Amazon VPC console

2. In the navigation pane, choose Your VPCsCreate VPC.

3. Specify the following VPC details as necessary and choose to Create.

  • Name tag: My First VPC
  • IPv4 CIDR block:
  • IPv6 CIDR block:  No IPv6 CIDR Block
  • Tenancy:  Default
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exercises- part 3 Amazon VPC

EXERCISE 2: Create Two Subnets for Your Custom Amazon VPC

To add a subnet to your VPC using the console

1. Open the Amazon VPC console

2. In the navigation pane, choose SubnetsCreate subnet.

3. Specify the subnet details as necessary and choose to Create.

  • Name tag: My First Public Subnet.
  • VPC: Choose the VPC from Exercise 1.
  • Availability Zone: Optionally choose an Availability Zone in which your subnet will reside, or leave the default No Preference to let AWS choose an Availability Zone for you.
  • IPv4 CIDR block:
AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exercises- part 3 Amazon VPC 01

4. Create a subnet with a CIDR block equal to and a name tag of My First Private Subnet. Create the subnet in the Amazon VPC from Exercise 1, and specify a different Availability Zone for the subnet than previously specified (for example, ap-northeast-1c). You have now created two new subnets, each in its own Availability Zone.

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EXERCISE 3: Connect Your Custom Amazon VPC to the Internet and Establish Routing

1. Create an IGW with a name tag of My First IGW and attach it to your custom Amazon VPC.

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2. Add a route to the main route table for your custom Amazon VPC that directs Internet traffic ( to the IGW.

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3. Create a NAT gateway, place it in the public subnet of your custom Amazon VPC, and assign it an EIP.

4. Create a new route table with a name tag of My First Private Route Table and place it within your custom Amazon VPC. Add a route to it that directs Internet traffic ( to the NAT gateway and associate it with the private subnet.

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EXERCISE 4: Launch an Amazon EC2 Instance and Test the Connection to the Internet

1. Launch a t2.micro Amazon Linux AMI as an Amazon EC2 instance into the public subnet of your custom Amazon VPC, give it a name tag of My First Public Instance and select your key pair for secure access to the instance.

2. Securely access the Amazon EC2 instance in the public subnet via SSH with key pair.

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3. Execute an update to the operating system instance libraries by executing the following command:

sudo yum update -y

4. You should see output showing the instance downloading software from the Internet and installing it.

5. Delete all resources created in this exercise.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exercises- part 3 Amazon VPC. Happy Clouding!!! Thank you for reading the DevopsRoles page!

About Dang Nhu Hieu

I'm Vietnamese. In the past, I'm a software developer, now working in Japan on an Infra team. Skill : AWS, VMware, HA architech,setting Database : Oracle DB, PostgresDB ,.. Programming language : Java, C#, Python, Bash linux, Batch windows, powershell ,... Hobbies: badminton, film photo, travel.
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